okay, what do you get when you put together the gorgeous, the pretty, the obnoxious and demented all in the same roof? yup, you got it! DesCha's "unofficial-official" hangout! please enjoy your stay! we're sure the hobbits wont get in your way. the Gm's here, say "hooray!" [does this have to rhyme? does it have to be all teh time?] oh, don't mind the insanity. ^^ have fun!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

*ignores everyone while setting up his new purchased video camera w/ matching remote control, walks in front of camera then makes different macho poses while adjusting the image with the use of the remote control with a display panel which shows how the image looks like on the recorded video* (WOW hi tech!)

*looks behind then says*

oi walang eepal ah! I'm making my instructional video on diaper dancing aerobics, so lay off and get lost...